Otto Ernst Remer was born on August 18, 1912, in Neubrandenburg Germany. His infancy and early youth unfolded against a backdrop of seismic socio-political shifts, economic ruin, and a pervasive sense of national degradation — all direct outcomes of the Treaty of Versailles. This treaty not only imposed severe reparations but also deprived Germany of vital territories and military capabilities, sowing seeds of deep-seated resentment throughout the German populace. During these formative years, Remer gravitated towards the Reichsbanner Schwarz-Rot-Gold, an anti-fascist paramilitary group dedicated to safeguarding the Weimar Republic. This affiliation marked Remer's early alignment as a bulwark for democracy, standing in opposition to the fascist tide swelling within Germany. Nevertheless, as the socio-political landscape further deteriorated, exacerbated by economic turmoil and a swelling wave of nationalist fervor, Remer's allegiance underwent a significant transformation.
By the year 1933, Remer found himself irresistibly drawn to the ideology of the Nazi party, which pledged the restoration of German prowess and a repudiation of the punitive measures imposed by the Versailles Treaty. Convinced by the party's fervent nationalism, Remer enlisted in its ranks. Adolf Hitler, with his magnetic leadership and vision for Germany's renaissance, quickly recognized Remer's potential, facilitating his ascent within the Nazi military and political echelons. For Remer, Hitler embodied the architect of Germany's resurgence, a figure destined to elevate the nation to newfound glory, eclipsing the historical legacies of Otto von Bismarck and Frederick The Great.
Remer's military journey began in April 1933 with his commission as a Lieutenant in the 4th Prussian Infantry Regiment. From that moment, his career became inextricably linked with the fortunes of the Third Reich. He first distinguished himself during the 1939 Invasion of Poland, a bold offensive that triggered the onset of World War II. His contributions to this campaign earned him a swift promotion to Senior Lieutenant. Remer's military acumen was further showcased in subsequent operations, including the Balkans Campaign and the ill-fated Operation Barbarossa, the invasion of the Soviet Union.
A pivotal juncture in Remer's career occurred in April 1942, with his incorporation into the elite Infantry Regiment "Greater Germany." His leadership skills and unwavering loyalty to the Nazi cause culminated in his 1943 appointment as commander of the Berlin Guard Battalion, a role of critical importance for maintaining order within the Nazi capital. Despite a brief period of disfavor, resulting in his arrest by the Gestapo on questionable charges of treason, Remer's reassertion of loyalty to Hitler and the party swiftly restored his standing. He was subsequently reassigned to the Eastern Front, leading the Panzergrenadier Division, where his valor was recognized with the Knight's Cross and Oak Leaves, among the highest military honors in Nazi Germany.
Remer's military career reached its zenith on July 20, 1944, during the assassination attempt on Hitler's life, known as Operation Valkyrie. His crucial role in thwarting the plot not only saved Hitler but significantly disrupted the conspirators' plans. This demonstration of loyalty led to rapid promotions, culminating in his elevation to Major General in early 1945. As World War II drew to a close, Remer led the Führer Escort Brigade, engaging in fierce battles on the Eastern Front and in the Ardennes Offensive. Despite the impending collapse of the Third Reich, Remer's allegiance to Hitler remained unshaken. Captured by the U.S. Army as the war concluded, Remer remained a prisoner of war until 1951.
American media talking about Remer

Photos of Remer in uniform
Remer soon found himself facing prosecution for his involvement as a Nazi official. He stood trial in a denazification court, where he was found guilty and sentenced to serve 22 months of incarceration. In 1951, he escaped and fled to Spain, receiving asylum under Franco's regime. In Spain, Remer's activities extended beyond seeking refuge; he connected with various Spanish groups, including the Falange Española Tradicionalista y de las Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional Sindicalista, the political party in power during Franco's rule. He was an active proponent of National Socialism in Spain and sought to build bridges between German and Spanish fascist movements. Remer was also implicated in arms trafficking to Spain, possibly with support from other European movements. During his stay in Spain, Remer developed a friendship with Juan Perón, whom he met in the 1950s. By 1951, he was actively working to spread National Socialism in Germany and throughout Europe, aligning with various fascist-oriented groups, including the National Democratic party of Germany.
In 1952, he founded the Socialist Reich party (SRP), adopting the German military song "Panzerlied" as its anthem, reflecting his deep admiration for it. Notable historians such as Ernst Nolte, Martin A. Lee, Peter Levenda, Michael Butleigh, Christopher Andrew, and Vasili Mitrokhin have documented evidence that Soviet officials considered financially supporting the SRP for strategic reasons. Remer engaged in secret talks with Soviet representatives in East Germany, further illustrating the complex web of his post-war activities and affiliations. In a 1997 interview, Remer confirmed his participation in these talks, revealing:
“I sent my people there. They were all received at the Soviet headquarters in Pankow.”
— Otto Ernst Remer quoted in Strange Ties: The Stasi and the Neo-Fascists by Martin A. Lee
The clandestine relationship between Remer's organization and Soviet authorities resulted in covert financial backing for his cause. Notably, Remer's organization publicly espoused support for Joseph Stalin's proposal for a neutral and reunified Germany, a proposition that drew condemnation from officials in the United States and West Germany. During the early 1950s, the SRP benefited from financial assistance from the Soviet Union, while the Communist party of Germany, on the other hand, purportedly faced a perception of ineffectiveness, leading to a lack of similar support. This financial support from the Soviets is corroborated by various sources, including the Gauck archives, which reveal frequent interactions between Remer and the East German Stasi. Furthermore, declassified documents from the CIA, known as the Family and Jewels files, provide evidence of Soviet funding not only for the SRP but also for other fascist groups operating in West Germany.
The Mitrokhin archives, a collection of KGB files, shed further light on this collaboration, indicating that the KGB provided financial resources and logistical assistance to the SRP while maintaining regular contact with its leaders. The KGB memos from 1953 and 1984, explicitly acknowledge the Soviet support extended to the SRP. The memo from 1953 outlines that the objective of the KGB was "to create a rightist movement that will weaken the position of the United States, weaken the position of the Atlantic bloc, and encourage the German population to seek a neutralist policy." Further examples of this can be found in a remark credited to Wolf von Westarp in Dreamer of The Day: Francis Parker Yockey and The Postwar Fascist International by Kevin Coogan, where it was mentioned that the West Commission of East Germany's Socialist Unity party provided considerable support to the SRP. Remer's decision to align with the Soviets was influenced by a historical example set by Otto von Bismarck, indicating that his actions were guided by a recognizable historical reference.
“We Germans must leave the NATO alliance. We must be militarily independent. We must create a nuclear-free zone. We must come to an understanding with the Russians. That is, we must obtain reasonable borders from the Russians. They are the only ones that can do that. The Americans don't have any influence at all in that regard.
In return, we will guarantee to buy [Russian] raw materials, and cooperate on hundreds of projects with the Russians, and that will eliminate our unemployment. All this has nothing to do with ideology. The Russians are so economically backward that they will readily and happily agree to this, and they'll be free of ideology.”
“That's because Bismarck pursued a policy oriented toward the East, and as a result of his ‘Reinsurance Treaty’ [1887] with Russia, we had 44 years of peace.“
— Otto Ernst Remer, An Interview With General Otto Ernst Remer conducted by Stephanie Schoeman
Remer addresses a SRP meeting in 1951
Remer assumed a central role in the ill-fated Remer-Coup, an attempted overthrow of the West German government in 1953. The coup derived its name from the intended date of execution, July 20, 1953, coinciding with the anniversary of the unsuccessful Operation Valkyrie, a plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler in 1944. The conspirators primarily consisted of former Wehrmacht officers, certain West German government officials, and members affiliated with various post-war Nazi organizations. Motivated by their perception of the West German government as feeble and susceptible to American influence, they aimed to seize power. Regrettably, the coup never materialized. German authorities had been closely monitoring the activities of the plotters, enabling them to apprehend a significant number of individuals involved prior to the coup's implementation. Remer himself faced arrest and subsequent sentencing to a 22-month prison term for his role in the conspiracy. Additionally, the SRP, due to its espousal Naziam, the coup attempt, and its connections with the Soviet Union, was banned by the West German government in 1952.

SRP propaganda and flag

Remer on trial in a German court
Remer held the belief that the Western world was plagued by decadence and corruption, leading him to advocate for socialism as the sole viable alternative. He contended that the Soviet Union served as a legitimate counterforce to the United States, while emphasizing the importance of Arab unity against Western imperialism. In his perspective, Remer positioned himself in favor of the Soviet Union over the West, viewing it as a stronghold against American imperialism. He regarded the Soviet Union as a fellow anti-imperialist power engaged in a struggle against Western dominance on a global scale. Remer's support for the Soviet Union constitutes a contentious aspect of his political trajectory. In fact, in the event of a Soviet invasion of West Germany, Remer made the following statement:
“Rather than have our women and children overrun by the Russians… it would be better to post ourselves as traffic policemen, spreading our arms so that the Russians can find their way through Germany as quickly as possible… [and] pick the [British and American] lords and ladies out of their silken beds. Show the Russians the way to the Rhine.”
— Otto Ernst Remer quoted in The Beast Reawakens by Martin A. Lee
“If we really come to an understanding with Russia, then it's all over for America. Let me say this frankly: the government of Adenauer [the first postwar West German chancellor] retained the entire wartime staff of Goebbels, and put them in government positions in Bonn. And as a result, the wartime anti-Communist outlook of Dr. Goebbels, which was quite proper during the war, was continued right up to the present. They were all Goebbels' people ... Who still really believes in Communism these days? Are we really struggling against Communism?”
— Otto Ernst Remer quoted in The Beast Reawakens by Martin A. Lee
Remer harbored a profound admiration for Islam, seeing it as a formidable counterforce to Western influence. He argued that Islam could spearhead the creation of a new global order, emphasizing the need for solidarity among Islamic nations to challenge Western imperialism. Moreover, Remer was a staunch critic of Zionism, which he condemned as a form of Jewish imperialism that contributed to the hardships faced by Palestinians. In his efforts to support his beliefs, Remer was instrumental in founding the German-Arab Friendship Society, an organization that backed the Palestinian cause and called for an end to the Israeli presence in Palestinian lands.
He also established relationships with key Arab figures, notably with Gamal Abdel Nasser, the Egyptian President. Remer's frequent trips to Egypt and his outspoken endorsement of Nasser's initiatives, such as the nationalization of the Suez Canal, highlighted his support for Nasser's political vision. Additionally, during the early 1970s, Remer was implicated in the illicit trafficking of arms and ammunition to Syria. Reports suggest that he had connections with Syrian officials and participated in arms deals that supported Syria in its conflicts with Israel. It is even rumored that Remer was granted Syrian citizenship during this time.
"The main task of your generation is finding a healthy and honorable solution to the Palestinian question. Capitulating before Israel is not a solution; it is betraying the future generations. If you cannot obtain a victory today, the least you can do is not to capitulate without resisting. Instead of giving up, you must work seriously and create the economic, political and social conditions for the future victory. In the first place, you must conquer tyranny, decadence and corruption in your own heart! You must know that your strength is Israel's weakness. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics collapsed like a rotten shed, whereas the vitality of the German people has been preserved in the seed and could lead us Germans to fresh progress. Islam began in the 6th century as a cultural, spiritual and reforming movement against the superpowers of that time. The military strength of Islam grew as a consequence of its spiritual strength. The only real solution of the Palestinian question lies in the return of the Palestinian people to their fatherland, in the setting up of a true Palestine, that should be able to confine within its limits the Jewish usurping state. Any solution violently extorted, any unjust peace will be rejected by future generations. The regimes that are in power in the Arab and Islamic world are like dead bodies. They perished because of their weakness. The future belongs to the forces of Islam. Hamas and the Jihads [two uncompromising Islamic movements] are the Islamic response to the Zionist challenge. This is what takes place in your countries today: your leaders are politically finished. Instead of stepping down in honor, they cling bitterly to power and try to drag their peoples along into the precipice."
— Otto Ernst Remer, The General Remer 1993 Interview In Al-Shaba conducted by Ahmed Rami
Remer was a staunch advocate for a centrally planned economy, viewing socialism as the only alternative to capitalism, highlighting national sovereignty, and rejecting globalization in favor of "social justice" and workers' rights. His economic ideas were deeply influenced by Gottfried Feder, Robert Ley, and Gregor Strasser. Remer envisioned a state-controlled, corporatist economy catering to German needs, but he should be distinguished from other Nazis. Remer called for the abolition of private property, marking him as a radical within the Nazi movement. He prioritized economic independence, pushing for the nationalization of all industries. He saw the DAF as key in promoting worker interests and advancing Nazi objectives, despite criticizing the DAF's control over wages and working conditions.
Remer developed strong ties with Fidel Castro, Cuba's revolutionary leader, visiting the nation several times and viewing it as a blueprint for socialist revolution across Latin America. He was a fervent supporter of Castro's approach. Although there is limited detailed evidence of Remer's involvement with Ernst Wilhelm Springer in smuggling arms to Cuba, this association has garnered significant academic interest. His alleged role in the arms trade, supposedly with Soviet support, is notable. Equally significant are Remer's links to Nazi "war criminals" post-World War II, as numerous such individuals fled to South America. There is speculation about Remer's possible role in secretly moving these criminals to Cuba, possibly with help from European Fascist networks. It's believed Castro might have employed some, like SS officer Erich Rajakowitsch, for military training.
Remer established connections with Franco Freda, an Italian figure known for his Nazi-Maoist views, in the 1970s. Together, they were involved in creating Avanguardia Nazionale, a neo-fascist group that embraced National Socialist principles with the aim of furthering a fascist agenda in Italy. Their collaboration, however, was marred by controversy due to Freda's involvement in several terrorist incidents in Italy. In the later decades of the 20th century, Remer found himself associated with the European New Right movement. Originating in the 1960s and 1970s, this movement sought to transcend the conventional left-right political divide, advocating for a radical conservative ideology that prioritized nationalism, anti-communism, and a rejection of liberalism.
In 1971, the SRP was reborn as the German Social Union (DSU), initially formed by ex-members of the National Democratic party of Germany. Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, the DSU found some level of support in West Germany but never enough to gain parliamentary seats, dissolving after the reunification of Germany in 1990. Otto Ernst Remer, during the 1980s, founded the German Social Union of Students and Youths, which was later banned in the 1990s. By 1982, Remer had also helped establish the German Freedom Movement and The Bismarck German, leading both until 1989, with Lisbeth Grolitsch — a former leader in the Bund Deutscher Mädel and co-founder of post-war Nazi groups — by his side. The German Freedom Movement, succeeding the SRP, acted more as a social movement than a political entity. He also created the Ulrich von Hutten Circle of Friends in 1983, dedicating himself to its publication, "Huttenbriefe," which is still active.
Arndt Heinz Marx, a former German army lieutenant colonel dismissed for his Nazi affiliations in 1977, became involved with the Wehrsportgruppe Hoffmann in the 1980s, with Remer providing ideological mentorship. The Hoffmann group, involved in illegal arms, training, and attacks against Communist entities in West Germany, was also linked to bombings and assassinations. In 1978, they attacked Hans Jürgen Wischnewski's car, injuring several but failing to kill the Social Democratic party politician. The group assassinated Jewish publisher Shlomo Lewin in 1980 and Communist lawyer Heinz Marcisz, mistaken for a communist revolutionary. A 1981 shootout in Bad Kleinen with police resulted in deaths on both sides. The German government banned the group in 1980, leading to the arrest and sentencing of many members, including a life sentence for leader Karl-Heinz Hoffmann in 1987.
A documentary covering Nazism Terrorism, Marx, and Remer
Acknowledging Remer’s interactions with prominent post-war fascist figures such as Oswald Mosley, Jean Thirart, and Léon Degrelle is crucial, as well as his connections to the National Bolshevik party (NBP). The NBP, established in 1992 by Russian author and activist Eduard Limonov, sought to blend National Socialism with Bolshevism, drawing inspiration from German nationalist Ernst Niekisch. Remer's links to Limonov and the NBP, although not extensively documented, highlight his involvement in post-war extremist movements. Additionally, his encounters with Alexander Dugin, a Russian political theorist advocating Eurasianism and a Fourth Political Theory combining elements of several ideologies, suggest Remer's interest in anti-Western alliances.
In 1992, Otto Ernst Remer received a 22-month prison sentence for incitement to hatred and disseminating Nazi propaganda, actions that were connected to Karl Heinz Hoffmann. Due to his poor health, Remer was allowed to go into exile in Spain, as imprisonment was considered a potential death sentence for him. However, in 1994, Spanish authorities arrested and sentenced him for denying the Holocaust, an act criminalized under Spanish legislation. Seeking to evade incarceration, Remer fled back to Germany but was ultimately apprehended and incarcerated, only to be released in 1997. Toward the end of his life, Remer remained active within Holocaust revisionist groups. In a conversation with Ernst Zündel, a well-known Holocaust denier, shortly before passing away, Remer labeled the Holocaust a hoax and claimed the figures of Jewish victims were inflated. He further alleged that Jewish organizations exploited the Holocaust for financial benefit from Germany and other countries.
Ernst Zündel with Otto Ernst Remer
Otto Ernst Remer died on October 4, 1997, in Marbella, Spain, at 85, due to a heart attack. At his death, he was living in exile, and despite the controversies that surrounded him, he is still venerated by some Third Positionist factions as a heroic figure, underscoring his influence on post-war Nazism. Distinguished fascism historian Roger Griffin describes Remer as a "neo-fascist," and political scientist A James Gregor has termed him a "classic fascist," acknowledging him as an heir to Hitlerite Nazism.
Remer's significant involvement with the Nazi regime and his continued engagement in fascist politics post-war underline his complex legacy. Despite the controversies over his role in arms trafficking and facilitating the escape of Nazi war criminals, his life and political activities provide important perspectives. His association with various far-left and Third Worldist groups, while championing National Socialism, showcases the nuanced diversity within Nazi ideology. Therefore, Otto Ernst Remer's steadfast dedication to his beliefs until his last days is notably significant.
"I am a National Socialist and I will always be a National Socialist. And National Socialism is not a matter of a party or of an organization, it is a Weltanschauung, a worldview."
— Otto Ernst Remer October 1, 1997
I am new to facism, do someone have good books about to recommend?
Great article, I appreciate how Remer properly identified the true anti semites, something so true yet they, the Zionists, managed to invert n project the term.