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Brilliant. I have been waiting for someone to say exactly this. I am in fact anti-white, whiteness being understood in the correct light of the Faustian spirit, which had its seed in the classical world but only sprouted in the 1500s. The humanists revived the philosophies of Epicureanism and democracy, but drained all that remained good in these philosophies into a radical, distilled form of utilitarian materialism that is far more soulless than anything the Greeks could have conceived of.

I am sometimes afraid that I am the only person who sees the nature of the monster that we are fighting against, that we have only demoralized and deracinated liberal Christians and enlightenment-influenced neopagans, both compromised in key ways by the Faustian spirit that is severing Earth's connection to heaven, transforming the former into hell.

You have restored faith in me that Christendom is not dead yet.

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