In an era where the ideals of economic and social freedom seem increasingly elusive, a new platform emerges with a resolute mission: to advocate for the rights and opportunities of hardworking Americans. At its core, it champions the notion that every individual deserves equal opportunities, striving to create a sustainable and equitable society for all American workers, families, and communities. Inspired by the foundational motto "E Pluribus Unum," this initiative envisions a renewed America that not only serves its citizens but also stands as a beacon of hope worldwide
Central to this vision is the establishment of a Nationalist Revolution that authentically embodies the American Spirit. Drawing from the courage and wisdom of our patriotic heroes, I seek to forge a unique path that resonates with the American character, avoiding the pitfalls of imitation. With a focus on peaceful and lawful means, it aims to harness the collective strength of the working class, empowering the American people in the pursuit of national liberation
In a landscape where no existing organization or leader has adequately addressed these aspirations, this platform offers 25 Points as a comprehensive framework for advancing the interests of the American people. By providing this blueprint, I aim to fill the void left by others, offering a method and a vision for a national revolution that honors the legacy of our great nation. Where organizations such as Patriot Front and figures like Nick Fuentes have fallen short, I have offered the methodology to win.
1. Self-determination of The Peoples
We present the vision of establishing a unified North-American Civilization-State, with a focus on enhancing economic cooperation and security partnerships. This initiative is based on preserving distinct identities while promoting a harmonious and robust National Community.
We advocate for a Federalist system where a centralized authority oversees essential functions like conflict resolution and defense, while allowing culturally rich regions the autonomy to govern themselves. Representatives from these regions will assemble in a National Peoples Congress responsible for enacting fundamental laws and guiding collaborative initiatives, guided by enduring American principles.
Moreover, we highlight the importance of self-determination throughout the expansive American Commonwealth, supporting the creation of semi-autonomous Republics. These self-governing entities will function within the broader Civilization-State, empowering communities to elect leaders who advocate for their interests, shape societal norms, manage local economies, ensure security, and legislate in alignment with their unique identities.
This framework aims to embrace the diverse cultural landscape of America, fostering unity while preserving our collective English heritage and traditions.
2. American Socialism, Is America First
The existing global capitalist system should be recognized as a threat to humanity as a whole and presents a significant danger to people around the world. Policies regarding mass immigration and Critical Race Theory should be seen as direct challenges to the American working class, impeding their ability to come together in unity.
Communities of Color experience varying forms of exploitation and oppression, including the unjust killings of Black Americans by heavily armed police forces and the economic exploitation of Hispanics by the capitalist elite in America. Our movement is dedicated to eradicating all forms of oppression against any ethnic group, recognizing that such divisions weaken and dishearten the working class.
Central to our values is the solidarity among working-class individuals. Capitalism's ultimate objective is to replace individuals with strong class, ethnic, cultural, or religious identities with disconnected individuals who are easier to manipulate and exploit for the benefit of the elites and their capitalist allies.
Our advocacy is for a form of Nationalistic Syndicalism that integrates government, economy, and society to benefit the American people. This system guarantees equal rights and responsibilities for all citizens. The National Community serves as the cornerstone of American Socialism, uniting the nation through shared class interests, culture, identity, and a spirit of brotherhood. We uphold self-reliance as a fundamental principle to safeguard against external threats.
Within the National Community, the promotion of morality, strong families, and Social Justice is paramount. Our Socialism envisions a State dedicated to preserving our people, akin to a living organism composed of families, communities, and comrades united as one.
To foster trust within the National Community, corruption and cronyism will be thoroughly investigated and harshly punished. The government is entrusted with providing a safe and secure nation for all citizens, preserving the nation's distinct ethnic, moral, and cultural foundations. Upholding the cherished values of our forefathers, we aim to restore an orderly, high-trust society by rooting out those who undermine the people, the Socialist Revolution, and our movement through bribery, blackmail, fraud, and deceit.
3. Green Policies
We are committed to conservation, robust environmental protection, and the establishment of a sustainable society. In the face of climate change, environmental degradation, and the commercialization of our food and water sources, radical transformation is essential to combat the ongoing ecocide threatening our planet.
As stewards of the land, it is our duty to preserve it for our children, grandchildren, and future generations. Our sacrifices for the well-being and prosperity of upcoming generations are incomplete if we do not prioritize safeguarding the natural environment for their benefit.
We advocate for the prohibition of kosher slaughter and the humane treatment of animals. Any form of animal mistreatment, whether by individuals or corporations, must be outlawed.
When planning new construction projects, the potential impact on the natural environment and the community as a whole must be carefully assessed. Government initiatives promoting green spaces in communities and revitalizing living spaces to foster organic, close-knit communities over sprawling strip malls and isolated suburban developments will enhance both the environment and the quality of life for our citizens.
Establishing efficient mass transit systems within cities and interconnecting communities will not only reduce our National carbon footprint but also strengthen the bonds within our National Community and enhance the lives of our citizens.
The government is responsible for ensuring that water supplies remain uncontaminated and easily accessible to all citizens, guaranteeing clean water as a fundamental right.
Our movement advocates for local organic agricultural production, aims to achieve carbon neutrality within a decade of assuming power, and seeks to regulate or Nationalize industrial farms while supporting local and family-owned operations.
We oppose the production of GMOs and the use of environmentally harmful insecticides that endanger farmworkers and native bee populations.
To protect our citizens and the environment, corporations must be held liable for their environmental impact, and the use of persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic chemicals should be phased out. Our natural resources, wildlife, and livestock are invaluable assets that must be preserved while offering sustainable job opportunities and resources to benefit our people.
We endorse investments in renewable and green energy sources, including nuclear power, to ensure long-term energy independence, provide clean and affordable power, create millions of jobs, and improve air and water quality for our families.
Our proposed green jobs program represents a monumental investment in our communities' infrastructure and the future of the planet, positioning it as the largest such initiative in American history.
4. Healthcare
Healthcare is considered a fundamental human right, and the well-being of the State is closely tied to the health of its citizens. We advocate for a healthcare system that ensures universal coverage for all citizens while also promoting private sector innovation and investment in future medical advancements.
Our proposed universal healthcare system aims to provide comprehensive coverage to all citizens, regardless of income, in contrast to the profit-driven nature of the current American healthcare system. While private health coverage will still be an option for those who prefer it, private healthcare providers will compete on a level playing field to foster advancements in scientific research and healthcare delivery.
There will be a significant increase in investment in mental healthcare services to better support the most vulnerable members of society, including those with physical and mental disabilities. Pharmaceutical companies will be prohibited from advertising directly to patients or the public, and they will be held accountable for the safety and efficacy of their products.
To address issues of hunger, every public school will offer three free organic meals daily, and each county, even rural areas, will have soup kitchens and subsidized farmers' markets to eliminate food insecurity. Nutrition and physical activity will be emphasized, with a shift towards local, participatory sports and government programs offering cancer screenings, preventive care, and health education.
To promote healthier lifestyles, there will be heavy taxation and restrictions on advertising for junk foods and harmful products like alcohol and tobacco, with sales taxed based on estimated healthcare costs. Foreigners seeking healthcare in the country will be accommodated but will not receive the same benefits as citizens and will be charged reasonable rates for services.
Efforts will be made to make organic and healthy foods affordable and encourage local cultivation at the family and community levels to support overall well-being.
5. Land Reform
In order to tackle the current housing crisis in America, it is imperative to implement government-led solutions. One of the significant obstacles exacerbating this crisis is the restrictive zoning laws that artificially inflate property values. This disparity can turn an affordable property in one location into an exorbitantly priced asset in another, creating a barrier to homeownership for many individuals and families.
We propose a multifaceted approach to address this issue and revitalize the housing sector. Firstly, we advocate for the cessation of foreclosures and property taxes on primary residences, particularly for families with children or elderly members. Ensuring that families and seniors have the security of protected homes is paramount in stabilizing communities and safeguarding vulnerable populations.
Additionally, our commitment to combating predatory lending practices is unwavering. We propose enhancing homestead subsidies to support the expansion of family properties with the birth of each child to married parents. This initiative aims to empower families to build generational wealth and secure stable housing for future generations.
A core component of our strategy to fortify homestead property involves the decommodification of land and the implementation of a single land value tax. By shifting property taxes from improvements to land, we seek to incentivize development and promote efficient land use. Encouraging the utilization of underused urban spaces and incentivizing landowners to put vacant lots to productive use through this tax system will enhance urban efficiency and curb urban sprawl.
The incidence of the land value tax predominantly falls on landlords, with potential indirect impacts on sectors providing services to landlords. By reducing the incentive for land speculation and promoting land productivity, we anticipate a decrease in bank lending allocated to real estate, potentially alleviating credit circulation strains. While landowners may face challenges passing on the tax burden to tenants, the removal of other taxes could lead to increased rents.
This transition could pave the way for the transformation of the landlord-tenant dynamic, fostering more equitable housing access and facilitating land redistribution to dismantle large land consolidation.
6. Nationalization
It is imperative that key industries be owned and controlled by the people rather than multinational corporations or shareholders. The working class must take charge of the means of production, rather than allowing capitalists to exploit resources as seen in contemporary America. Industries such as coal, oil, natural gas, defense, banks, water, telecommunications, and media conglomerates will be Nationalized and placed under a National union. Profit should be generated through risk-taking, investment, innovation, and labor — not through corrupt practices that benefit a few at the expense of the nation's resources.
Nationalization of these industries will break the current hold that internationalists and capitalists have on information and resources, ensuring that industries work for the nation's and people's benefit, rather than for international shareholders or oligarchs. The concept of "corporate personhood" will be abolished.
Profits from Nationalized corporations will be reinvested in infrastructure, education, healthcare, and other programs that directly benefit the populace. Citizens will have the right to establish and participate in locally regulated cooperatives, held to the same standards as Nationalized industries, under State supervision.
7. Usury, Banking, and Cybernetic Economics
In our pursuit of a refined Socialism that departs from the exploitative grip of capitalism, we vow to overhaul the financial landscape by dismantling usury and establishing a labor-based economic system. This new economic paradigm will govern lending practices, ensuring that individuals are shielded from predatory lenders through stringent regulations enforced by the National bank and local credit unions. Any outstanding debts related to student loans and medical expenses will be absolved, liberating working families from perpetual financial burdens.
Simultaneously, a sweeping reform of bankruptcy laws will be implemented to prevent the cyclical entrapment of families in debt and promote responsible financial conduct. To combat the scourge of usurious entities like "payday loan" establishments, exploitative credit card companies, and the subprime mortgage industry, decisive actions will be taken to shut them down.
Furthermore, as part of our mission to eradicate usury and transition towards a fairer economic system, the reliance on fiat currency will wane. Our labor-based currency, endorsed by the National Bank and underpinned by the nation's resources and the industrious spirit of its people, will take center stage. This digital token, intricately linked to labor time and buoyed by real-time economic metrics, will be issued and will expire annually, fostering a deflationary cycle.
The Nationalization of key industries will pave the way for a comprehensive National planning structure, shaping product pricing based on the aggregate labor input required for production and sustenance. This transformative shift will eradicate the dominance of commodity-driven economics, heralding a new era of advanced Socialism that uplifts all Americans.
8. Supporting The Family
We uphold the biologically fit definition of marriage and emphasize the importance of sustainable and thriving families as the foundation of a strong nation. Supporting new mothers and their families will be a core mission of the State.
To promote family stability and create a nurturing environment for children, paid maternity and paternity leave will be provided to new parents. Mortgage assistance will be offered to families upon the birth of each child, enabling them to better care for their families and ensure a secure home environment for their children. Each child born will result in a 25% reduction in mortgage payments for a standard single-family home or spacious apartment, incentivizing the formation of large and healthy families.
The State will embark on a significant expansion of sustainable housing projects for citizens, with a focus on meeting the housing needs of young people, the elderly, workers, and families. Every senior citizen will receive a guaranteed livable pension, and efforts will be made to preserve their dignity by enabling them to stay in their homes with their families, thereby eliminating the dehumanizing conditions often found in modern senior living facilities where the elderly are neglected and mistreated.
Furthermore, industries that undermine family values will be opposed by the State.
9. Stance on Parenthood
In contemporary America, parenthood encompasses a comprehensive set of policies aimed at promoting the well-being and development of our population while safeguarding the rights and lives of all citizens. The declining demographics observed in the Western world are attributed to government policies that put those with children at a disadvantage, along with a media that scrutinizes or casts suspicion on families with children. This rejection of the current trend is coupled with efforts to reverse the multi-decade decline by investing in men, women, and families.
A society's degeneracy is linked to its failure to safeguard its most vulnerable members — the chronically ill, the disabled, pregnant women in vulnerable situations, and unborn children. Emphasizing the sanctity of innocent human life is paramount.
The support for rational policy on parenthood is inseparable from the support for mothers and families. Acknowledging the significant challenges women encounter during pregnancy underscores the critical nature of our stance on supporting mothers and families.
Our initiative advocates for a comprehensive approach to investing in families, encompassing enhanced adoption support, expanded welfare and social services for unmarried mothers, as well as increased assistance for married mothers and their spouses. Both in-home and institutional services for family members who are infirm or handicapped will be significantly widened to alleviate the burden on families.
Motherhood and Femininity will be exalted in our society and culture as roles equal to those of men, each with distinct duties and responsibilities within both the societal and domestic spheres. This aims to dismantle the existing stigma surrounding motherhood and femininity.
10. Financial Sovereignty
The most effective method for the globalist and capitalist elites to exert control over America is through the Federal Reserve and the current banking system. Our plan involves abolishing the Federal Reserve and instituting a National bank that is owned by and accountable to the citizens.
We believe that the true wealth of the nation lies in its resources and people, not in fiat currency lent at excessively high interest rates that bind the nation to internationalist entities for generations. By placing control of our currency in the hands of our people, we intend to withdraw from the World Bank, the World Trade Organization, and the International Monetary Fund.
Globalist trade agreements have decimated our industrial economy and initiated a worldwide "race to the bottom" in terms of wages and working conditions.
The Trade Policy of the American Labor Party focuses on fostering the nation's self-reliance and prioritizing the well-being of our industry, environment, and workers. We will emphasize trade with like minded patriotic and Socialist nations to cultivate solidarity among our movements, always ensuring that our nation and people come first.
Corporations that seek to outsource jobs in pursuit of exploiting cheap foreign labor will face the Nationalization of their businesses.
11. The Re-organization of Government
In shaping America's future, our vision is to spark a rebirth that honors our historical traditions while transcending the confines of both capitalism and communism. We aspire to foster a renewed sense of organic community where citizens actively participate, the economy is managed conscientiously, and rural values are reinvigorated — all within a framework that recognizes the essential authority of the State. Our goal is to effect transformation with respect and peace, reinstating order and hierarchy that resonates with the wisdom of our ancestors.
Central to this vision is the rejuvenation of Industrial Unionism, not merely as a labor movement but as a return to a natural societal structure where every worker plays a vital role in the broader economic framework. This form of Unionism forges a sacred connection between industrial and agricultural workers, embodying a Syndicalist approach that embraces the diverse tapestry of our nation's heritage.
To bring this vision to life, we advocate for the establishment of a National Labor and State Assembly (NLSA), a bicameral entity with the National Peoples Congress that combines the insights of worker-elected representatives with the oversight of a managerial body for syndicates and cooperatives. Their shared mission will be to align the diligent efforts of our workforce with the collective economic aspirations of our nation. This Syndicalist model authentically represents the intricate fabric of American society, integrating the diverse identities within our workforce into the noble mission of production.
In the agricultural sector, our proposal includes a cooperative system that unites individual farmers, rural laborers, and State-run farms into a community network. This network will be directed by collectives that blend local expertise with State-level guidance. Our aim is to craft policies that honor local needs and perspectives while aligning with the nation's overarching strategic vision, harmonizing local self-governance with National unity.
Within the Industrial Unionist framework, the government structure will include a National leader, a Central Committee tasked with appointing the leader, the NLSA, and regional-level local governments of the National Peoples Congress. The American Labor Party will be the exclusive political entity, with the Central Committee possessing veto authority over the NLSA to maintain stability and preserve the leadership hierarchy.
The National leader will serve an eight-year term, guided by the principles of Democratic Centralism for governance. Elections will be conducted transparently through paper ballots, overseen by National and International election officials. Contributions to political campaigns will be prohibited, with individual donations capped at $250 per election cycle. Local and NLSA elections will take place every four years, with recall elections triggered by a petition signed by 70% of the electorate. The Central Committee will comprise elected officials from the American Labor Party, chosen by their constituents every eight years.
12. Religion
The sociological aspect of National renewal that is tied to religion holds significant importance to many. Faith, rooted in the pursuit of understanding reality and its application in individual, familial, and National contexts, is essential.
All faiths, regardless of denomination, will be safeguarded. Our movement comprises members from diverse backgrounds, including Catholics, Orthodox Christians, Muslims, Protestants, Latter-Day Saints, and followers of various traditional faiths.
Non-religious comrades will have the freedom to abstain from religious practices, ensuring freedom of conscience for all individuals. Religious working-class members are united in a shared struggle and social intuition, fostering respect and tolerance for different Faith expressions within the National Community. However, hedonistic cults will be banned within our borders. Communities and local governments will be allowed to honor their religious traditions and heritage in public spaces.
Religious institutions will be shielded from government intrusion, exempt from tax filing requirements. They will be permitted to take public stances on moral and Faith-related issues without fear of retaliation. Nonetheless, religious organizations and their employees will be prohibited from engaging in partisan politics to maintain the autonomy of both the Church and the State.
While believers are encouraged to participate in the political process, a clear separation between religious entities and the State must and will be upheld within our society to preserve their distinct roles.
13. Immigration
Immigration to the nation will be halted until full employment is achieved for all workers. A National referendum on immigration will be conducted every decade after reaching this employment goal to establish immigration policies for the following ten years. This approach empowers the nation's citizens to set clear limits on the number of immigrants and their countries of origin through an agreed-upon quota system.
We will prioritize the assimilation into American culture to promote national unity; this will be a key focus.
The entry of students, foreign dignitaries, and tourists will be permitted. While safeguarding the nation, we believe that openness, mutual understanding, and friendship are essential for cultivating a more peaceful and prosperous world.
14. Foreign Policy
We advocate for establishing friendly relations with nations such as the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus, the People's Republic of China, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, the Islamic Republic of Iran, and similar countries.
Our plan involves a significant reduction in the global military presence of the American Empire, refocusing our military efforts on homeland defense. Emphasizing less on nation-building overseas, our nation will prioritize domestic nation-building efforts, including enhanced benefits and services for our servicemen and veterans, particularly focusing on homeless and disabled veterans.
We stand for the cessation of the Zionist occupation of Palestinian territory, the immediate restoration of the 1967 borders, the liberation of the Golan Heights, and the removal of all illegal Israeli settlements. Additionally, we endorse the worldwide Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement.
Our stance on foreign aid is against it, except in cases of urgent disaster relief or National liberation struggles. We believe in prioritizing our people's needs and collaborating with like-minded Socialist and patriotic governments.
We pledge support to Socialist and Nationalist governments and movements against internationalist forces, striving towards a world where all people can enjoy freedom.
15. Infrastructure
The American Labor Party is committed to a comprehensive infrastructure revitalization initiative aimed at rebuilding our communities from the ground up. Our plan includes the repair, modernization, and expansion of various critical systems such as rail networks, airports, roads, bridges, electrical grids, dams, mass transit, levees, and wastewater facilities.
Specifically, we will prioritize the replacement of lead-containing water pipes to safeguard families, expand high-speed Internet access in rural and suburban regions, and introduce the world's most advanced green mass transit system for the benefit of all citizens. These efforts are designed to rejuvenate urban and rural areas, enhance business competitiveness, elevate living standards, ensure a safer and more equitable society, and promote sustainable development.
16. Regulate Foreign Lobbies
Lobbying groups representing foreign interests will be prohibited, while dual citizenship will be eliminated. The practice of transferring wealth from our tax funds to countries like Israel and other "allies" will cease. Citizens engaging in advocacy for foreign governments will face citizenship revocation, deportation following appropriate sentencing, and punishment.
Secret societies will be outlawed within our borders to prevent them from becoming a political tool for foreign powers. Private charities, civic groups, NGOs, and corporations will undergo monitoring for foreign subversive actions, and those found guilty will be prosecuted vigorously, with their assets seized.
17. The Military
Our nation's military will be strengthened to become a global powerhouse, prioritizing cutting-edge technologies and highly trained soldiers. With a firm commitment to National defense and supporting our allies, our military personnel will be honored not only through formal ceremonies but through specialized programs to ensure the well-being of every veteran, eradicating issues like homelessness, poverty, and neglect.
Additionally, the National Guard and Federal law enforcement agencies will be restructured into a National People's militia under the exclusive control of the American Labor Party’s Central Committee. The Peoples militia's mission is to uphold a perpetual Revolutionary State, safeguarding the stability of the People's Revolution.
18. Marriage
Marriage and the family unit are the cornerstone of any society. In order to foster a thriving nation and provide a nurturing environment for children, our government will actively promote healthy and enduring marriages.
Marriage will be officially recognized as a union between a man and a woman. Married couples will benefit from financial incentives that increase with each child born into the family, as well as access to preferential government loans for housing and small businesses.
The practice of No-Fault Divorce will be abolished, marking the end of one of the most detrimental modern policies affecting families. In cases of marital discord, the State will offer free marriage counseling and various forms of assistance to help couples overcome challenges and maintain strong family bonds.
19. The Labor Front
The capitalist economic system thrives on exploiting the economically vulnerable and depriving workers of the value of their labor. It measures human worth by material possessions and wealth rather than internal qualities and accomplishments, calling for the establishment of a new and equitable economic system.
We affirm that employment, purpose, and the ability to support a family are fundamental rights for all workers. Initiatives will be developed to ensure that every citizen has the opportunity to work, with organizations, policies, and programs in place to uphold the "right to work."
Every citizen is obligated to contribute to the nation's economic prosperity to the best of their ability. Unemployed individuals will be provided jobs in civic and infrastructure projects to earn a living wage and government support, discouraging voluntary chronic unemployment.
Individuals with disabilities or health conditions will be assisted in finding employment according to their capabilities, enabling all citizens to actively participate in the nation's progress and derive fulfillment from their contributions.
Reviving and expanding programs like the Civilian Conservation Corps and public works initiatives will generate jobs and enhance local communities, infrastructure, and the environment.
Through unity among social and economic classes, we aim to empower every member of society, fostering a resurgence of our people and establishing an equitable economy offering fair wages, favorable working conditions, and abundant opportunities for all citizens.
This movement seeks to dismantle the cycle of Wall Street speculation that has repeatedly drained public resources and pensions while expecting bailouts to sustain the high-stakes gambling of a select few economic elites.
Companies and corporations will be held accountable to their employees, customers, and the nation, prioritizing national interests over foreign entities or stockholders.
Our workforce will dismantle the exploitative capitalist structure and implement a system guided by principles of justice, fairness, and equal opportunity.
We advocate for a cooperative economic model where workers receive a share of company profits and have significant influence over workplace management, particularly concerning working conditions and environmental impact.
Workers retain the right to strike for improved conditions if negotiations with business owners fail. The nation will outlaw tactics such as lockouts or intimidation by private security to undermine labor organizing efforts.
While recognizing the importance of rewarding investments and hard work, the welfare of the people and the nation must supersede corporate profits. We stand for genuine Socialism that benefits workers, families, and the nation as a whole.
All workers will be united under a National union, providing them with a strong and unified voice. This union will advocate for a just Socialist economy structured around Industrial Unionism, reflecting our unique American Socialism.
20. The Youth
In our nation, the education and training of our children are essential for the long-term survival of our Revolution, culture, identity, and sovereignty.
Every student will be entitled to a free and comprehensive education, with the nation ensuring free education for all children from preschool through higher education. The State will promote vocational training for youth suited for specific professions and guarantee access to universities based on merit for those destined for academia or professions requiring a university degree.
A robust civics curriculum, expanded arts education, increased funding for after-school and daycare programs, homeschooling, and parochial schools will be permitted for families and communities seeking alternative educational paths.
At the age of ten, young individuals will join either the national youth organization or a similar parochial or community group. These organizations focus on teaching a wide range of skills including physical fitness, survival skills, family service, civics, gender roles, history, and life skills to prepare children for independence and the formation of their families as adults. This comprehensive training program will continue until the child reaches at least 18 years of age.
21. Freedom of Speech
Citizens will be guaranteed freedom of speech, expression, and advocacy of various viewpoints, with law enforcement available to protect speech from violence if necessary.
However, actions such as treason, sedition, advocating violence against individuals or institutions, spreading deliberate lies to undermine institutions, and distributing harmful media to the public will not be tolerated.
In this Peoples State, subversive or alien elements will not be accepted as they do not belong to our National community. The damage caused by tolerating anti-social behavior in the past will take generations to recover from, and spreading harmful ideas that threaten our Socialist Revolution will be met with appropriate and decisive actions once we achieve liberation from capitalist slavery.
22. Right to Bear Arms
Within our Law and Order platform, we believe that an armed society is a safe society. We support the protection and encouragement of firearm ownership and the carrying of arms in public for personal, home, and national defense.
The only exceptions to owning arms would be for those individuals who have been convicted of using a firearm in the commission of a violent crime or have been deemed mentally unfit to own a firearm by an open court of their peers and at least two medical doctors.
All citizens who are capable of owning firearms and are not restricted by conscious objection or religious beliefs (e.g., priests) will be mandated to keep a service weapon in their homes. They will also be required to undergo training with their local community self-defense organizations at least once a month.
23. Anti-social Behaviors
Any conduct contrary to the State's values, public morality, healthy families, and the well-being of children will not be permitted. The family is the cornerstone of the State's future and will be shielded from any threats against it.
Individuals grappling with drug addiction or other antisocial behaviors will be provided with ample opportunities and support to conquer their addictions. Instead of approaching addiction as a criminal matter, we will view it as a medical concern. Our society will be characterized by compassion, aiming to aid and care for all our citizens.
For those who decline treatment and efforts to overcome addiction, we will address the issue justly in the interest of the nation and the safeguarding of our people. While we will demonstrate empathy towards individuals battling vices, the propagation of public vices through media platforms or public displays will not be tolerated.
24. Law and Order
The State's primary duty is to establish a secure community for its citizens. Our focus will be on implementing a rehabilitation-oriented approach for the majority of criminals, eliminating for-profit/private prisons, solitary confinement, and the class-based bail system to reintegrate offenders into the National Community.
Justice for victims and society, along with the rehabilitation of offenders, will serve as the cornerstone of our legal system. Prisons will be reserved for specific categories of offenders and will be geared towards rehabilitation. Most crimes will be addressed through restitution, National service, corporal punishment, and conscription for infrastructure or agricultural work, rather than incarceration.
We will reinstate judicial discretion in sentencing, doing away with mandatory sentencing that strips judges of the ability to consider the nuances of each case.
The State will refrain from intervening in domestic discipline or individual conflicts among consenting parties. Police will function as peace officers, refraining from dictating household matters or involving themselves in every minor altercation nationwide.
Initial resolution for disputes, mediation, and issue settlement will be handled by local community organizations among neighbors before resorting to civil or criminal justice system involvement.
Property forfeiture for individuals not convicted of a crime will be prohibited. The civil, criminal, and family court systems will be revamped to eliminate the parasitic elements present in the legal codes of modern Western democracies, such as lawyer dominance, corruption, and exorbitant legal fees that have contributed to a class-based two-tiered system. Our justice system will be rooted in Civil Law and uphold equal treatment under the law for all citizens.
25. Media
In our nation, media ownership will be exclusively held by the Peoples State to ensure National oversight and regulation. This measure aims to counter any detrimental influence from foreign entities and hostile forces that may seek to disrupt harmony among our citizens.
Leading social media platforms like Facebook, X, YouTube, and similar platforms will be converted into public utilities as part of this initiative.
Additionally, libel laws will be fortified to deter the spread of slanderous propaganda, and journalists espousing anti-American sentiments will face legal consequences.
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