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This is a much needed bitter pill for nationalists, America firsters, and even self-confessed fascists. We had a huge opportunity in 2015 - 2016, during the first Trump Campaign, however this opportunity was wasted, and opportunists and lowlives took the stage and ruined it. Now, the pendulum of history favors the 'Tankies', particularly the Marxist-Leninists, the MAGA Communists, and the PatSocs. They have the upper hand....for now.

Just as there was dissention in the right, this dissention exists in the left as well. Caleb Maupin and his CPI was the first "domino" to fall if one recalls his little scandal back in mid-2022. (Now rumor has it that he's in with the famously revolutionary Moonie cult). I also suspect that the relationship between Jackson Hinkle and the circles around Alexander Dugin are uneasy, if Twitter drama by his opponents are anything to go by (according to the Twitter accounts arrayed against him, his Russian wife left him, but I do not see indication by Hinkle himself on this). Haz has a strong following among the Gen-Z youth, but they do not strike me as serious.

That said, the tankies are still much better organized and they are more "clean" than us , and most importantly, they read and do their homework and are more intellectually rigorous. The fascist ranks on the other hand are filled with degenerates, vulgar racists, and sectarianism is rife among us. We also listen to some of the most God-awful music imaginable. The tankie has Soviet, Maoist, and DPRK music and socialist realism art to nourish their minds with. What are we listening to? What kind of art are we studying? Are we doomed to the Schillerian problem of nature-reason separation and with it, the neglect of the aesthetic?

We are in the inferno now. We cannot continue to lie to ourselves. We are rock bottom. We have no rigor, no real sense of aesthetics, no proclivity to craft economic and strategic policy, many of us suffer from drug and alcohol problems. A common LaRouchean maxim is "It's a lot worse than you think!" And this is true with our situation.

But there is a way out of the Inferno we are in. One of which involves understanding Dante's important work regarding the inferno.

I extend my thanks to Zoltanous for publishing this.

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